Banyana Banyana’s chances of going to the Olympics hang in the balance.

Placeline :Johannesburg, South Africa 

Byline : Indiphile Anna
            Sthandiwe P. Ngwazi
          Mbali B. Dadla
       Mpendulo L   . Nkuna
      Vuyolwetho L. Mnisi
    Ntombifuthi T. QSithole
    Temoso Bapela

Banyana Banyana’s chances of going to the Olympics hang in the balance.

BANYANA BANYANA replaced Yolula Tsawe with Mapaseka Mpuru after an injury on Thursday ahead of their departure to Equatorial Guinea.
Banyana Banyana’s goalkeeper, Yolula Tsawe, injured her hand while training for their Olympic Games qualifying match on Sunday against Equatorial Guinea, and she has therefore been replaced by Mapaseka Mpuru who plays for the U20 Women’s National Football Team.

A statement released by Banyana Banyana claims that “the U20 international has already arrived on camp and will be training with the team on Thursday in their afternoon training session”, ahead of their departure to Equatorial Guinea on Friday.
Mpuru faces a challenge on Sunday, as she has only one training session with the team, and there is a lot at stake as the team’s chances of going to the Olympic Games hang in the balance.
The decision to substitute Tsawe with an U20 player is concerning given Banyana Banyana’s reputation, she should be substituted with a player of the same caliber as her.

This situation highlights the lack of preparation and poor management within the team as they were left without a substitute goalkeeper, due to Tsawe incurring an injury while training for their Olympic Games qualifying match and as a result, they had to call up Mpuru to step in for Tsawe, and this last-minute change could potentially have a significant impact on the team’s performance and raise questions about the organisation as a whole.
Meanwhile one of the team’s strikers, Jermaine Seoposengwe who is based in the USA has also arrived in camp and will be training with her teammates on Thursday in the afternoon.
